Verbos reflexivos y recíprocos en español.
Reflexive verbs in Spanish are used to indicate actions that are performed on oneself. For example: "Me lavo", - I wash myself. Thus the verb "lavar" means "to wash" and the verb "lavarse" means "to wash oneself".
The form of the reflexive verb in Spanish is the personal pronoun + reflexive pronoun + verb in its correct conjugation. For example:
Personal Pronoun | Reflexive Pronoun | Verb Form | Meaning |
Yo | me | lavo | I wash myself |
Tú | te | lavas | You wash yourself. |
Él/ Usted | se | lava | He washes himself. |
Nosotros | nos | lavamos | |
Vosotros | os | lavaís | |
Ellos/Ustedes | se | lavan |
The reflexive verb in Spanish also has a different form when used in the infinitive. For example: "Voy a acostarME" - I am going to lie down. "Vamos a acostarNOS" - We are going to lie down.
In this situation the reflexive pronoun is attached to the end of the verb.
There can be two ways of saying the same thing using the reflexive form of a verb.
Me puedo vestir | Puedo vestirme | I can dress myself |
¿Te quieres bañar? | ¿Quieres bañarte? | Do you want to bathe? |
With the imperative form, the reflexive pronoun is added to the end of the conjugated reflexive verb. For example:
¡Acuéstate! | Lie down! (familiar form) |
¡Vamonos! | Let's go! |
¡Vírense! | Turn around! (plural form) |
Verb | Meaning | Verb | Meaning |
Aburrirse | to be bored | Reirse | to laugh |
Despertarse | to wake up | Afeitarse | to shave |
Callarse | to be quiet | Dedicarse | to dedicate oneself |
Enojarse | to be annoyed | Quitarse | to take off |
Acostarse | to lie down | Acordarse | to remember |
Despedirse | to say goodbye | Maquillarse | to put on makeup |
Bañarse | to bathe | Olvidarse | to forget (about) |
Taparse | to cover oneself up | Probarse | to try (something) on |
Ducharse | to shower | Ponerse | to put on |
Volverse | to become | Enfermarse | to become ill |
Peinarse | to comb one's hair | Mirarse | to look at oneself |
Colocarse | to place oneself | Presentarse | to present oneself |
Preguntarse | to ask oneself | Comprarse | to buy (for oneself) |
Subirse | to go up | Alegrarse | to be happy about |
Levantarse | to get up | Morirse | to die |
Sentirse | to feel | Conformarse | to put up with |
Me llamo Miguel | I am Miguel (literally "I call myself Miguel") |
Me despierto a las 7 am. | I wake up at 7 am. |
Ellos se sienten incomodos. | They feel uncomfortable. |
Nos aburrimos esperando tanto tiempo. | We get bored waiting for so long. |
Se enojan por la demora | They get annoyed because of the delay. |
¿Ustedes no se acuerdan de mi? | Don't you remember me? |
Me alegro que estás aquí | I am happy you are here. |
The same form of verb construction is used for reciprocal verbs in Spanish. Reciprocal verbs imply a sharing or doing something together, with or for someone. Thus it is used in the plural forms "nosotros" "vosotros" "ellos/ellas". For example:
Nos vemos cada día en el colegio | We see each other every day in college. |
Ellos se llaman los fines de semana | They call each other every weekend |
La pareja se quiere mucho. | The couple loves each other very much. |
Vosotros dos se parecen mucho. | You two look a lot like each other |
Ejercicio. Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo reflexivo.
1. Las muchachas (ponerse) de acuerdo para salir en la noche.
2. El gato (limpiarse) con su lengua.
3. ¡(Callarse - familiar form) mientras habla el profesor!
4. Yo estoy seguro que no (sentirse) enfermo hoy.
5. ¿Tú (acordarse) del nombre del señor alto?
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the reflexive or reciprocal verb.
Note: Try to use the correct written accents if you can e.g.: á, é, í, ó, ú, ñ, ü.
If you don't know the correct answer, type '?' to reveal it.
1. Yo (irse) al gimnasio esta noche.
2. ¿Tú (sentirse) bien hoy?
3. Él siempre (colocarse) en el primer puesto cada día.
4. Ella dice que (bañarse) dos veces por día.
5. Nosotras (mirarse) siempre en estos espejos.
6. Al estar listos para salir siempre decimos " ". (irse)
7. Vosotros (vestirse) siempre de la misma forma.
8. Ellas (despedirse) con un beso cada día.
9. Ellos (preguntarse) ¿por qué no hay clases hoy?
10. Por favor, ¡ (quitarse) este sombrero ridiculo!
Reflexive verbs in Spanish, reciprocal verbs in Spanish - common usage.