Spanish Pronunciation Guide

Beginner Spanish Grammar Resources

Learn to pronounce Spanish with our Spanish pronunciation guide.

This is an introductory guide to Spanish pronunciation to get you started saying things in Spanish. Listen to the audios and read the words to learn how to pronounce words in Spanish.

VOCALES / Vowels

A, a: Example - a casa - Like "Ah" when you realize something.

E, e: Example - elefante - Like "Eh" when you didn't hear what was said


I, i: Example - inicial - Like "ee" in English but shorter

O, o: Example - ocho - Like the "o" in "so" but short

U, u: Example - uno -Like the "oo" in "food"

CONSONANTES / Consonants

B, b (be) - ba be bi bo bu -barco, bebida, bolsa, bota

C, c (ce) - ca ce ci co cu -casa, celoso, cita, coco, cuna

Note: with "ce" and "ci" it is a soft c, more like an "s" in English.

CH, ch (che) - cha che chi cho chu - muchacha, cheque, Chile, chocolate, lechuga

D, d (de) - da de di do du - dama, dedo, disco, domingo, duda

F, f (efe) -fa fe fi fo fu -familia, Felipe, física foca fuente

G, g: (ge) -ga ge gi go gu + gue gui -gamma, gel, giro, golf, gusano, Miguel, guitarra

"g" can be either hard or soft - before "e" and "i": "giro" sounds like "hero" in English, "gel" like "hel".

H, h (ache) sin sonido - ha he hi ho hu - habitación, helado, hielo, Holanda, humo

J, j (jota) - ja je ji jo ju - jabón, ajedrez, jirafa, joven, jueves

K, k (ka) - ki - kilo (words with "k" are usually foreign words in Spanish

L, l (ele) - la le li lo lu - largo, lente, libro, lomo, lunes

LL, ll (doble ele) - lla lle lli llo llu - llave, belleza, gallina, caballo, lluvia

M, m (eme) - ma me mi mo mu - mañana, melón, mixto, moto, mujer

N,n (ene) - na ne ni no nu - ene, nadar, negro, nido, nube

Ñ, ñ (eñe) - ña ñe ñi ño ñu - eñe, mañana, muñeca, baño

P, p (pe) - pa pe pi po pu - pe, papa, pelota, pintura, polvo, puerta

Q, q (cu) - qua que qui - cu pasqua, que, quinta

R, r (ere) - ra re ri ro ru - ere, rana, reloj, risa, rosa, rueda

S, s (ese) - sa se si so su - ese, sapo, señor, silla, sopa, sube

T, t (te) - ta te ti to tu - te, tamale, teléfono, tijeras, tomate, rotulo

V, v (ve) - va ve vi vo vu - ve, vaca, venado, vida, volar, vuelo

W, w (doble ve) - wa we wi - doble ve, sándwich, kiwi

"w" only exists in foreign words that have come into Spanish usage like "sandwích".

X, x (equis) - xa xe xi xo - equis, examen, boxeo, axila

Y, y (ye) - ya ye yo yu - ye, ya, ayer, yo, ayuda

Z, z (zeta) - za zo zu - zeta, zapato, zorro, zulema

Pronunciation - Stressed syllables in Spanish

In Spanish the stress on any word normally falls on the second-to-last syllable. For example "fabricada" where the stress is on the "ca"

If a vowel has an accent mark ("un tilde" in Spanish) then the emphasis in the word falls on that syllable. For example "alegría" where the emphasis is on the last syllable.

Listen to this sentence and see where the emphasis falls on each word either with or without the "tilde": Los profesores son faticos de la sica antigua.


Vowel combinations in Spanish

ai - baile ia - lluvia io - radio ae - aeropuerto oa - canoa
au - jaula ua - agua iu - viuda ao - cacao oe - poema
ei - peine ie - miel oi - Zoila ea - océano ee - leer
eu - europa ue - huevo ui - ruinas eo - fideo oo - zoológico


Consonant combinations in Spanish

bro - libro tro - trofeo pru - prudencia dro - Pedro
bre - libre tre - tren pro - profesor dri - golondrina
bru - bruja tra - trabajo pra - prado dra - dragón
bri - brisa tri - tristeza pre - premio dre - madre
bra - brazo tru - truco pri - princesa  
fri - frito cro - crónica gro - negro
fru - fruta cre - crema gri - grillo
fro - frotar cru - cruz gra - grama
fra - fractura cri - cristal gre - tigre
fre - fresa cra - cráter gru - grupo
pla - plato blo - pueblo clo - cloro glo - globo fla - flamenco tle - atleta
plu - pluma bla - blanco cli - clima gla - jungla fle - flecha tla atitlán
plo - plomo blu - blusa cla - clavo glu - gluteo flo - flor  
pli - aplicar ble - amable cle - bicicleta gle - iglesia ple - simple



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